Here are some FAQ’s from the CFHS Band Booster Club
Refer to the current year’s Band Handbook and Guard Handbook for official policies and procedures. This FAQ document is intended to help answer some of the questions that new (or veteran) parents have throughout the year that may not be addressed in the handbooks.
General Questions
How can I help?
Where to begin? First, this program could not exist without parent support. WE NEED YOU.
Second, no amount of help is too little. If you can only help unload at the school after the band gets back, great. If you can only chaperone for 3 games, great. If you can only hand out water at home games, great. If you can only bring popsicles for the month of September, great. None of these volunteer positions require you to serve at every event. Pitch in what you can, when you can.
Third, a list of volunteer opportunities is included each week in the boosters update that the head band director sends out with the Creed. If you have any capacity to serve at all, please contact the point person of the group you’d like to volunteer for. We are all more than happy to hear from you and have you on the team.
What is band underwear?
Band underwear is what the kids wear under their uniforms – green dri-fit shirt, black shorts, band shoes, and black socks.
When are booster club meetings? Can I attend?
There are normally 2 general meetings each year that are held during the winter and spring concerts. During the spring meeting, officers are elected, and the budget is approved for the following year. The executive board meets monthly during the school year. Committee chairs are welcome, but not required, to attend executive board meetings.
What’s a show shirt and why do I want one?
Each year, the band has a show with a corresponding shirt that they wear to contests. Band parents sometimes purchase a shirt to wear to games/contests in support of the band. You want one because they’re awesome and it helps you easily identify other Knight parents at band events. It’s a show of community and support!
What do I do if my kid is sick?
First, communicate! You as a parent communicate with the Director. Ask your child to communicate with his or her section leader. Let them know why your child is missing and how long he or she will be out. Communication is key!
Second, check the handbook. There are very clear rules about absences and how they should be handled.
What do I need to purchase for marching season?
There is a set list of items that are required for purchase that will be included in the information at uniform fittings/equipment day. Please see the handbook for specifics. You may want to consider purchasing an extra set of gloves and an extra dri fit shirt. Your child will also need to have tall black socks (crew socks are fine) and black athletic shorts as part of the band underwear. Your student will also need a half gallon of water at every practice, game, contest, etc. There are CFHS water bottles for purchase on equipment day. The Knights water bottles are not required, but they do look nice.
Football Questions
How will I know when to come get my kid after a football game?
If you haven’t already downloaded the Band app, that’s step one. The directors generally send out a message with an
ETA once the bus is loaded after the game. Download the BAND APP
Pro tip number one. You can always check on the progress of the game using If you search for Clear Falls High School, you can follow the score and see what quarter we are in. This is super helpful when games run into overtime as the directors will not be communicating during the game. Having a way to charge their phone on the bus ride home will help you stay in touch with them until you pick them up.
Pro tip number two. If you don’t already have Life360 installed on your phone and your child’s phone, this app can be very helpful for knowing when to expect your child back at the band hall.
Pro tip number three. If your child does not have a portable charger, this is very helpful for football season. On game days, you probably dropped your child off at school before 7 AM and probably won’t see them again until after 10 PM.
Where do I buy tickets for football games?
Most of our game tickets are available on Clear Falls High School Events and Tickets by GoFan. You can either download the app or go to the website (
Pro tip number one. Make sure you are selecting the varsity football game before purchasing your tickets.
Pro tip number two. Make sure you are purchasing home tickets for home games and away tickets for away games.
What stadium rules do I need to be aware of?
CCISD has a clear bag policy at both stadiums. You will likely want to invest in a stadium seat. They are available for purchase on Amazon, Academy, etc. Some stadiums are cash only while others are credit only. You can usually find that information when purchasing your tickets on GoFan.
Can my kid ride home with me after halftime?
Not usually. If you have an extenuating circumstance and need your child to go home with you after half-time, that requires prior written permission from the band Directors and a form that you complete as the parent. This is something that you will need to discuss with the head band director.
When does football season end? What are the expectations for playoffs?
There are 10 regular season games. If the Knights make the playoffs, band students are expected to attend playoff games. This can run into the Thanksgiving holiday, so any plans you have that will require your child to miss will need to be communicated ahead of time.
What happens if it rains?
This is all contingent upon when it rains, and how bad it rains. If the conditions are not safe for the kids to march, they will not march. If it rains after halftime, the woodwinds pack up to keep their instruments safe. The brass/battery will continue playing in the rain. Last year it rained at Summer Creek and the kids had so much fun. If it’s not unsafe, the show will go on.

Contest Questions
What can I expect on contest days?
Contest days are long. Mr. Moreno will send out an itinerary the week before each contest. You will drop your child off at the call time as prescribed in the itinerary. Unless you are volunteering as a chaperone or on the props team, you will likely not see your child again until you pick them up at the band hall that night. They will get fed, but you will probably want to send money. Pay attention to the itinerary to know whether they’ll need cash or a card. Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend. Some contests do require the purchase of a ticket. Others are open to the public. Again, check the itinerary for specific details.
Pro tip number one. Carpool. Parking is expensive. For example: The Bands of America (BOA_ Competition in the Woodlands, you must pay to park each time you return to the stadium. I would pack a cooler and leave it in your car or plan to walk over to the Portofino for lunch.
Pro tip number two. Wear your show shirt!
Pro tip number three. Before each contest, a super loud band parent will shout, “Hey clear Falls! What time is it?”
Your line is, “Knight time!“
Pro tip number four. Interact! When the kids reach the climax of the show, scream! Shout! Let it all out! This is the equivalent of them scoring the winning touchdown for the team. This is what they work so hard for. This is your opportunity to let them know that you are there for them.
Pro tip number five. Some contests have prelims and finals. For those contests, the days are even longer. The goal is to make finals. That means a second performance after nightfall. It’s a big deal to make finals! When the band makes it to the finals, show up if you can! Even if you didn’t make prelims, try to come out for finals and make noise for the