ASSIGNMENTS: This week’s assignments are listed below!
Spring Trip: Mr. Moreno spoke with Perform America and they are finalizing numbers from the trip. They are still waiting to hear back from our bus vendor for refunds and they are hoping to have information for us by May 1st. Thank you for your patience.
Auditions: We will be conducting our auditions via Google Classroom. We are currently getting the final setups for this through the district in the next couple of days. Mr. Moreno will send out the entire procedure in a separate email today. Videos will be allowed to be send in the week of April 20th-24th. We must have ALL videos in on Friday April 24th. More information will be sent later today.
UIL: As of right now there has not been an official cancellation of UIL Concert and Sight-reading but we are thinking that this is a STRONG possibility. Right-now for practice cards, the audition music and scales is the top priority for class assignments. Even for Seniors!
Student Leadership selection is another topic we would like to visit about once we have more information regarding the May 4th timeline for the district.
Reminder: We will be taking detailed grades for the work being done for our assignments and not just a general grade for completion. Please be diligent and let us know if you have any specific circumstances that we can assist you with. We are here to help, Just let us know! All late work will be accepted for weeks of 3/16-4/3 for FULL CREDIT throughout the 9 weeks.
Assignments for the week of 4/13-4/19
Major Scales worksheet: Will be sent out by Mr. Zavalla on Charms, Skyward, and Itslearning today. Due by Sunday April 19th by 3:30 pm. (Winds and Percussion)
Practice Card: Showing 1 hour; Due Sunday April 19th 3:30 pm
b. Percussion– Please send Mr. Valdez a video of a DIFFERENT exercise from last week’s packet for feedback. There are 8 battery, 6 keyboard pick one of either genre. Please adhere to the written tempo ranges and play multiple times at different tempos (within those ranges) in order to get the best feedback. Assignment due Sunday April 19th 3:30 pm.
c. Guard-assignment will be sent out by Mr. Zavalla today.