“Bravery is not a quality of the body. It is a quality of the soul.”
-Mahatma Gandhi-
- The Spring Trip was absolutely AWESOME! Thank you to all involved and we hope all students had a very memorable experience.
- Special Thank you to our chaperones: Chris Dorang, Julie Edwards, Yarelis Hernandez, Erik and Tracey Papaleo, Miranda Pilcik, and Kristi Reiser. Thank you parents for providing the funds for the trip and trusting the directors with your students.
Notes for Parents & Students:
- Full Band rehearsals will now be the pattern for most weeks.
- Wind Ensemble is Mondays 4-6 pm.
- Symphonic Band will be on Tuesdays 3:30-5:30.
- Concert Band is on Wednesdays from 3:30-5. We begin at 3:30 on Wednesday to accommodate for possible faculty meetings.
Events this week:
- Monday March 18th: Wind Ensemble Full Band 4-6 pm.
- Tuesday March 19th: Symphonic Full Band 3:30-5:30pm.
- Wednesday March 20th :Concert Band Full Band 3:30-5 pm.
- Thursday March 21st: Full Orchestra 3:30-5:00 pm.
- Friday March 22nd: NO REHEARSALS. GO HOME!!!
- Saturday March 23rd: Color Guard Area Contest, Performance at 6:59 pm, full schedule below. Please come and support the guard at this contest. This is Area and the top guards can qualify for State at Texas A&M University!
Guard Corner:
- Winter Guard rehearsals
- Monday 5:30-8:30 pm at Mossaman gym.
- Wednesday 5:30-8 pm at Mossaman gym.
- Area contest is on Saturday, March 23rd, Pearland High School.
- Meet at Falls: 12:45 pm
- Practice: 1-3 pm
- Dress/Eat/Load: 3-4 pm
- Arrive at Pearland HS: 5 pm
- Performance: 6:59 pm
- Retreat 8:22 pm
- Arrive at Falls: 10:30 pm