ASSIGNMENTS: This week’s assignments are listed below!
Spring Trip: Mr. Moreno spoke with Perform America this past week. They are currently thinking that each participant will be receiving back around 75% of what was paid into the trip. This is a pretty significant feat especially that there were no obligations for any of the vendors to return any of the companies to return the fees. Having said that, the final figure is not completed. Once they know the specific total amount and timeline we will let the families know how we will distribute funds back to you.
Auditions: We should be finalizing lists within the next few days. The lists will be posted by alpha, not in chair order.
Boosters: It is time to elect the CFHS Band Booster executive board again. Here are the positions up for voting:
The student leadership meeting is tomorrow at 2-3:30 pm! All interested students should have
1) the student leadership form filled out
2) parent permission emailed to Mr. Moreno.
The meeting will be held online and only students that have parent permission will be allowed into the room. Others will be declined by the host before entering the room. The meeting will start promptly at 2 pm. Mr. Moreno will open the room at 1:50 so please start signing in at that time. If you have any questions, please email Mr. Moreno promptly! Zoom meeting codeLinkPassword: 3FqThs
Reminder: We will continue to take detailed grades for the work being done for our assignments and not just a general grade for completion. Please be diligent and let us know if you have any specific circumstances that we can assist you with. We are here to help, Just let us know! All late work will be accepted for weeks of 3/16-4/3 for FULL CREDIT throughout the 9 weeks.
Times are filling up for instrument pick-up and drop-off. Please email Mr. Moreno to reserve a time. Seniors and non-returning members MUST drop off any school owned equipment (instrument/tuner/original) to the band hall on Tuesday 4-7, or Wednesday 9 am to noon. No one will be allowed to show up unannounced, times must be requested. Marching instruments will be distributed later. Any items left in the band hall after Wednesday at noon will be discarded for the band hall clean up by the custodians.
Assignments for the week of 5/3-5/10
There will be a worksheet this week that Mr. Zavalla will send out tomorrow. Please email the completed assignment straight to Mr. Zavalla. Due Sunday May 10th by 3:30 pm
Practice Card: Showing 1 hour for the week; Due Sunday May 10th 3:30 pm
a. “We Found Love” : Mr. Moreno will send the links to the two stand tunes in a separate charms/skyward email. WATCH OUT FOR Dbs!!!
b. “Build Me Up Buttercup”
*Make sure you can count and play! Recordings can be found online type in title/arranger and it should take you to places you can listen. Links to audio will also be included in the separate email. You can access only if signed in to your ccisd account.
c. Percussion- Please send Mr. Valdez a video of a DIFFERENT exercise from the packet for feedback. There are 8 battery, 6 keyboard pick one of either genre. Please adhere to the written tempo ranges and play multiple times at different tempos (within those ranges) in order to get the best feedback. Assignment due Sunday May 10rd by 3:30 pm. Please send your videos to Mr. Valdez.
d. Guard-assignment will be sent out by Mr. Zavalla.
Guard Corner:
Please go onto and complete the first task. Videos do not have to be made until week of auditions but try to go through what is on there.
All returning guard students must have one flag and one rifle this week during a requested pick up time.
Information about the Clear Falls Color Guard 2020-2021 Auditions can be located via this link.