After a hard-fought game, the Knights Football season came to an end on Friday. We are so proud of our Knights! Thank you all for your support this football season.
The band did fantastic for the playoff show this week! Thank you for being willing to try new things and being flexible.
Region Orchestra and 9th grade Region Auditions this week. All students who raised their hand in class have been signed up already. The cost is $15 per audition and the money is due IMMEDIATELY. Our bus will have to leave at 12:30 pm on MONDAY AND TUESDAY. Students riding the bus, please report to band hall after C lunch so we are ready to go. Mr. Zavalla will travel with the band to Alvin and be there until check in at 3:30 pm. We apologize for any inconvenience, but we did try to find drivers.
The final payment installment for the Band Fees is due on Monday December 1st. Please refer to your charms account for more details. Please pay all fees so we can make sure the students get the necessary needs for the rest of the year. If there are any questions, please contact Mr. Moreno.
Students are required to begin looking for solos and ensembles for the Solo and Ensemble contests coming up. Please check with your student to make sure they are making time to come to the band hall and select a solo from our library. Any solos that are not in our library must be purchased on their own. All students must be signed up their solos and/or ensembles by finals week. There are two options for Solo and Ensemble, 1) UIL on 2/8/2020 or 2) CFHS Solo and Ensemble 2/22/2020. UIL must be attended for any student interested in advancing to State Solo and Ensemble and to get Letter Jacket Points.
Band pictures will be scheduled during class very soon. Please stay tuned!
Events this week:
Monday November 18th: Region Orchestra auditions
Tuesday November 19th:
9th Grade Region auditions
Percussion Ensemble 3:30-6:30
Thursday 11/21:
Full Orchestra: 3:30-5:00
Concert band 3:30-4:45
Friday 11/22-23: Region Orchestra Clinic/Concert for those that qualify.
Upcoming events:
Region Orchestra Auditions: Monday November 18th (bus leaves at 12:30 pm for those who need transportation). Arrival back is dependent upon the time we are finished. The Region Orchestra Clinic and Concert is on November 22nd and 23rd at Clear Falls HS.
9th grade Region Auditions: Tuesday November 19th (bus leaves at 12:30 pm for those who need transportation). NO CLINIC AND CONCERT!
Concert Band Rehearsal: Thursday November 21st and Monday December 2nd 3:30-4:45 pm.
Winter Concert: December 3rd at CFHS Auditorium at 6:30 pm. (band dress, ugly Winter sweater and pants). Call time 5:30 pm.
Region Band Auditions: Friday December 6th, 7th, 9th. Clinic and Concert on December 13th and 14th.
League City Holiday in the Park Parade: December 7th call time TBD.
Guard Corner:
Congratulations on your “black light” pep rally performance!
The guard will follow the regular winter guard rehearsal schedule.