Thank you students, parents, and all involved for Friday night! Our first uniform game was a HUGE success and many are to thank for this monumental feat! And to put the icing on the cake, KNIGHTS WIN AGAIN!!
We have a Challenger Stadium Rehearsal on Monday September 24th. The bus will pick up the band students at 5 pm. If a student leaves campus, they must be back
at the band hall by 4:15 to load and get ready to travel to the stadium. We do need chaperones for this evening!
September 28th is the UIL six weeks grading check. Any student not passing ALL
of their classes will not be able to attend football games or compete for contests starting on October 5th. They will not have the opportunity to regain eligibility until the October 12th grading check. Students that are not eligible for the October 12th grading period will not be able to march at UIL or Area marching contest. ALL BAND STUDENTS MUST PASS ALL OF THEIR CLASSES!
October 15th is a day off from school. We will have a performance on that day for
the CCISD Convocation gathering. We will be in full uniform and the call time at school is 6 am. We will perform with all of the high school bands from CCISD for this event. Approx. arrival back to CFHS is around 11:00 am.
The Clear Falls High School Open house is scheduled for Wednesday September 19th. We will rehearse on the 17th to 6:00 pm.
Saturday September 28th is our first contest! We will perform at the Friendswood Marching Invitational. Our performance time is at 12:30 pm. Contest days are a
full day event. After performing we will bus back to CFHS and feed the students lunch. We will stay at CFHS in the auditorium and watch a movie to allow the students a chance to recuperate before we return to watch the last couple of bands and find out if we advance to FINALS! If chosen for FINALS, we will have a draw order and it will tell us the time of our finals performance. We will either eat dinner delivered to Friendswood and perform for finals or vice versa. We will have chaperones on hand at the high school during the down time and we STRONGLY encourage our students to bring homework to work on during this time!
Please attend tutorials and do whatever you need to pass your classes!!!