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CANCELLED/ 2020 Spring trip to Dallas

From Mr. Moreno on 17 March:

There have been many questions regarding the Spring Trip. At this point, the trip will be cancelled due to the district not allowing school attendance or groups to meet outside of school. There will be a refund and I am currently working with the trip company on what that will look like and how much will be refunded. Once I have more information, I will send it out.

The band is planning our annual spring trip to Dallas, Texas. The tentative date of the trip will take place on April 3rd-5th and we are anticipating it to cost $520 per student. The final cost will depend on the number of students and chaperones traveling with the band. Included in the cost will be meals (all may not be accounted in trip total), lodging, transportation, tickets for entry fees to Six Flags, Medieval Times, etc.

We are happy to announce that we are currently taking about 110 students and chaperones to Dallas this year!  Due to the actual participants that signed up, the instrumentation we have will not enable any of our bands to perform at the Big D competition as originally planned.   After talking with the trip company, they have lined up a special educational event to substitute for the performance.  The band and guard students will travel to Texas Christian University to watch their JAZZ Band perform and to take a campus tour!  

Payment Schedule:

Below is a payment schedule we need to adhere to as closely as possible in order to meet our deposit and payment deadlines, as well as determine the number of students attending the trip. We would like to begin early in order to keep the trip costs per month to an affordable rate per month. The initial $110 is non-refundable so the payment costs do not increase for the remaining participants should any drop from the trip.

Payment DateAmount DueBalance
Tuesday, October 15th (nonrefundable)$110$110
Friday, November 15th$82$192
Monday, December 16th$82$274
Wednesday, January 15th$82$356
Monday, February 17th$82$438
Friday, March 13th$82 (approx.)$520

Payment includes:

Additional Notes

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