Site icon Clear Falls Knights Band

Playoff Game on 12/24

Good Morning!

We hope you are in the midst of a great break and getting some much-needed rest!  Please see the following information:

1. The Knights Football team has advance to the next round of playoffs and the next game will be played at Challenger Stadium. 

a. The game will take place on December 24th, at noon.  The original email said 2 pm, but the actual kickoff is at noon.  Call time in the stands on the home side of Challenger is 11 am

b. The band is expected to play in the stands at that game and we have about 38 individuals who said they would be available via the google link from last week.  If your student is able to the attend the game after all, please email  Eligibility is not enforced for the break so all students can attend regardless of grades.  Any guard members may attend the game!

c. We will NOT wear uniforms.  We ask that any participants wear an “ugly holiday sweater” and a santa hat, jeans, and band shoes.  If a student or family’s personal beliefs conflict with this please feel free to wear a sweater of your choice and no hat at all.  Students will need to bring their water bottles as well!!!  The high that day is 55 degrees, and it is supposed to be sunny.  if things change, we will notify you.  

c. We will not march halftime, but we will play in the stands.  For halftime, the Emeralds dance teacher will bring a speaker for the band and emeralds to do a “dance party” in the stands during halftime.  Al students must always remain in their assigned seating, even during the dance part.  There is a chance we will be seated else were in the stadium and we will be flexible according to what the district requires of us.  

d. The directors will run a small equipment truck from the band hall.  We will load sousaphones and battery and be at the stadium by 10:30 am.  Whoever needs to put something on the truck please meet the director at the band hall by 9:45 am.  

e. We will stay the entire game and not dismiss wws/guard at 4th quarter like normal.  Mr. Moreno will update parents via the remind app during the course of the game.  

f. Please notify a director IMMEDIATELY if any students who said will participate has a COVID exposure, quarantine, or exhibits symptoms.  The amount to students not able to attend could affect our viability as a group for that day.  

More Information to COME!!!!!  Please let us know if you have any more questions.  

B. Moreno

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