After its decade of service, this year it is time to retire our original trailer and the Band Boosters have purchased a gently used trailer for the band and color guard. There are additional expenses to outfit the trailer and paint it to support our band.

You may recall, there are some family names on the back of the old trailer. Those are the folks who financed that trailer for the band. Without those individuals and families, there would have been no trailer for the band.
We are in the process of getting decals to put on the trailer. We are offering the opportunity for individuals and families to again step up to the challenge and receive that same recognition. This will be approved and decals will be ordered in the next WEEK.
Local businesses, corporate sponsors, and families can receive name recognition on the new trailer for donors of $5000 or greater. So if you are able and willing to support the band and would like the honor of current and future recognition on the trailer, please contact us ASAP.
Please contact Erik Papaleo or Kristi Reiser .
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